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Pregnant and Parenting Students

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Pregnant Student




Students who are pregnant, experiencing a pregnancy-related condition(s), and/or parenting have the right to:

1. Early registration.
2. Modifications due to pregnancy and/or a pregnancy-related condition(s).
3. Not be told to drop out or change their educational plans.
4. Not be harassed due to their pregnancy, pregnancy-related condition(s), and/or parenting status.

Collin College has created a document designed to help pregnant and parenting students determine their rights under Title IX and Texas state laws. This document also provides information about resources available on campus and in the community. To view the Pregnant and Parenting Students' Rights and Resources document, click here.

The following federal and state laws protect pregnant and parenting students' right and prohibit discrimination against a student based on pregnancy, pregnancy-related conditions, and/or parenting status:


Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) 

Texas Education Code Section 51.9357 aka Texas House Bill 1361 88(R)

Texas Education Code Section 51.982 aka Texas Senate Bill 412 88(R)

Texas Education Code Section 51.983 aka Texas Senate Bill 459 88(R)

The following person is designated as Collin College's liaison officer for pregnant and parenting students:


Liaison Officer for Pregnant and Parenting Students

Amy Throop

Associate Dean Title IX Compliance

Technical Campus

2550 Bending Branch Way

Suite A004/A006

Allen, TX 75013

Phone: 972.599.3126


Students who are pregnant, experiencing a pregnancy-related condition(s), and/or parenting (i.e., the parent or legal guardian of a child under 18 years of age) are eligible to register on the first day of priority registration.


To opt into early registration, you will need to submit the Pregnant and Parenting Students Request for Early Registration Form.


For specific information on registration dates and requirements, see Collin College's Registration webpage. 

Any absences due to pregnancy and/or a pregnancy-related condition(s) must be considered medically necessary and excused. Students who think they will need to take an excused absence(s) due to their pregnancy and/or pregnancy-related condition(s) should complete and submit the Pregnancy and Pregnancy-Related Conditions Modifications Application Form.


Collin College will excuse absences related to a student's pregnancy and/or pregnancy-related condition(s), including, but not limited to, childbirth without a doctor's certification that such absence is necessary for three (3) class days. Students who need to take an excused absence related to pregnancy and/or a pregnancy-related condition(s) for longer than three (3) class days will be required to provide an appropriate healthcare provider's certification to obtain these excused absences.


Students who are pregnant and/or experiencing a pregnancy-related condition(s) are responsible for following the professor's syllabus policies, including, but not limited to, those regarding absences due to issues that are not related to the student's pregnancy and/or pregnancy-related condition(s).


Intermittent absences due to a student's parenting status are not covered under federal and state laws. These absences will need to be addressed by each professor in accordance with the attendance/absence policy stated in their course syllabus.

Collin College provides classroom modifications to students who are pregnant and/or experiencing a pregnancy-related condition(s) on a case-by-case basis if the student requests them and they are reasonably available. The objective of reasonable modifications is to accommodate the student who is pregnant and/or experiencing a pregnancy-related condition(s), not to dilute scholastic requirements.


The Title IX Office works with students who are pregnant and/or experiencing a pregnancy-related condition(s) to provide reasonable modifications on a case-by-case basis. Students who need to request reasonable modifications due to pregnancy and/or a pregnancy-related condition(s) should complete and submit the Pregnancy and Pregnancy-Related Conditions Modifications Application Form.

In accordance with Title IX, Collin College must allow a student who is pregnant and/or experiencing a pregnancy-related condition(s) to voluntarily take a leave of absence from Collin College’s education program or activity to cover, at minimum, the period of time deemed medically necessary by the student’s licensed healthcare provider. To the extent that a student qualifies for leave under the Texas state law requirements listed below, Collin College must permit the student to take voluntary leave under that policy instead, if the student so chooses.


In accordance with the Texas Education Code Section 51.982, Collin College will permit, but not require, a student who is pregnant, experiencing a pregnancy-related condition(s), and/or parenting to take a leave of absence related to their pregnancy, pregnancy-related condition(s), and/or parenting status for a minimum of one (1) semester without a showing of medical need. The student will not be required to provide a doctor’s certification or documentation to obtain a leave of absence. Therefore, Collin College may not ask for documentation related to leaves of absence.


The Title IX Office works with students who are pregnant, experiencing a pregnancy-related condition(s), and/or parenting to process leave of absence requests, in consultation with the appropriate program director, associate academic/workforce dean, and/or academic/workforce dean. Students who are pregnant, experiencing a pregnancy-related condition(s), and/or parenting and need to request a leave of absence should complete and submit the Pregnant and Parenting Students Extended Leave of Absence Request Form.


Collin College encourages students to meet with the Financial Aid Office and/or the Collin College Foundation (i.e., scholarship office) before the student takes a leave of absence. Students can contact the Financial Aid Office at 972.881.5760 or and/or the Collin College Foundation at 972.599.3145 or to schedule a meeting with the appropriate staff member(s).

If a student has informed you that they are pregnant, experiencing a pregnancy-related condition(s), and/or parenting, please notify Collin College's liaison officer for pregnant and parenting students by submitting the Pregnant and Parenting Students Information Form


Collin College has created a document designed to help faculty and staff who are working with pregnant and parenting students. To view the Working with Pregnant and Parenting Students document, click here.

Yes, Collin College is required to provide a lactation space, which must be a space other than a bathroom that is clean, shielded from view, free from intrusion by others, and may be used by a student for expressing breast milk or breastfeeding, as needed.


Each campus has at least one (1) designated lactation room. The table available here contains information regarding the locations of each campus lactation room and how to access these spaces.

Collin College provides a Child Development Lab School at the Plano Campus. Qualifying students and Collin College employees may enroll their children in the Child Development Lab School as space permits. The children's program promotes physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development in a nurturing and supportive environment. Daily activities are based on individual children's needs and interests. For more information on the Child Development Lab School or a fee schedule, call 972.881.5945.


There are many childcare facilities in the local community. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) maintains a database parents can use to search for licensed childcare facilities. To access and search the DFPS childcare database, click here.

If you believe you have been discriminated against because you are pregnant, experiencing a pregnancy-related condition(s), and/or parenting, you can contact the liaison officer for pregnant and parenting students listed above, contact one of the Title IX coordinators or deputy Title IX coordinators listed here, and/or submit the online Title IX Formal Complaint Form


To learn more about reporting prohibited conduct, click here


Information on Collin College's Title IX investigation and resolution procedures is located here.

To view Title IX resources provided by Collin College, the State of Texas, and the federal government, click here.